
Vergangene Showtimes

23:00 - 05:00 Abgesagt
O - Der Klub
23:00 - 06:00 Abgesagt
O - Der Klub

It’s a decade – and counting – of joint creativity. After getting to know each other in Zürich in 2008, Adrian & Adrian became inseparable, not just as friends, but also as artists. The two men carved out a career as one of the most consistently delivering DJ/producer in the world.

▌Phillip Straub

Salon Wasabi -
▌Sam Gahara b2b Frau Hofmann (Strawanza)
▌Dzc. (Radio FM4)
▌dRob (Strawanza)


Technology has made us more selfish and separate than ever - cause while it claims to connect us, connection has gotten no better. We sit at home on our computers measuring self-worth by numbers of followers and likes. Ignoring the world around us.

Do not let us spoil a precious moment by recording it with a phone here at OZ. Let's just gonna keep them. Let us enter a world where we smile when we have low batteries - Cause that will mean we'll be one bar closer to the land of OZ."

• limited presale 15€

Table & reservation_
[email protected]