
Fresh From The Oven - English Stand-Up Comedy Night


Vergangene Showtimes

20:00 - 22:00
Aux Gazelles

An Open-Mic and new material night for Professional Comedians to try out and sharpen up their new material. 6 comedians will get to go on stage, one Thursday a month at beautiful and cosy Aux Gazelles to make Vienna laugh.

Come join us and fill your Thursday evenings with laughter and be the lucky ones to hear the fresh jokes that comes out before they get famous.

Online €8.00 (+ €0.53 Service Charge) -> https://bit.ly/fftoJune
(Online tickets only available from 07.06.2020 - 17.06.2020)
At the door €10.00

Age 16+

Performers: to sign-up simply write "Spot, Please!" on the event wall. Please sign-up if you have enough material for 10 mins. If you are a visiting comedian that happens to be in Vienna please do not forget to mention it while signing up. Also, please note that professional comics and visiting comics will be given priority. If you’re a new comer please sign-up for our regular open mic at Luster.